EU Common Charger Law May Be Final Nail in Coffin for DSLRs

While the European Union’s move to make USB-C the common charging standard for nearly all electronics by the end of next year is good news for many consumers, it could spell the end for DSLR cameras.

While many mirrorless cameras include USB Power Supply (USB PD) capabilities, allowing them to charge via USB, often USB-C, this is not true of many DSLR camera bodies. Even relatively new flagship DSLRs, like the Nikon D6 released in 2020, cannot be charged via USB. Sure, the D6 has switched from microUSB to USB-C, a great switch for accessories and file transfers, but the camera’s batteries must be charged in a dedicated external charger.

Over at DSLR bodiesThom Hogan, also known for his website from Thom, writes: “I originally thought the EU Shared Chargers Directive contained grandfathering clauses, but apparently it doesn’t. For example, many cite the European Parliament’s interpretation of the directive, which states that ‘the new rules would not apply to products placed on the market before the date of application.’ But the actual directive says ‘everything’ [devices] sold in the EU will have to be equipped with a USB Type-C charging port.’”

EU and USB-C for DSLR cameras
The Nikon D6 isn’t the only flagship DSLR that doesn’t charge via a USB-C port. The Canon EOS 1DX Mark III also doesn’t have the option.

Hogan explains that on December 24, 2024, companies will no longer be allowed to sell “most electronic devices” in the EU with a removable or integrated rechargeable battery that does not comply with the EU legislation on USB-C chargers. This includes, among many types of electronic devices, digital cameras.

The EU’s two-year warning to manufacturers has given companies plenty of time to adapt, including Apple’s recent switch from Lightning to USB-C in the iPhone 15 family of smartphones. However, Hogan claims that the situation is a bit more complicated with DSLR cameras.

About its “transition period”, the European Union explains: “The objective of the transition period is to allow manufacturers, national authorities and notified bodies to gradually adapt to conformity assessment procedures and essential or other legal requirements set by a new or revised piece of legislation, and therefore avoid the risk of blocking product.” The EU Blue Guide on the implementation of EU product rules also explains that the transition period allows manufacturers to sell their existing stocks of products that may not be compliant with the upcoming regulatory changes.

EU and USB-C for DSLR cameras
The Nikon Z50 is a mirrorless camera that does not support in-camera USB-C charging.

The Blue Guide also says that all products placed on the market before the end of the transition period can be sold after the new regulations come into force, but new products that do not comply with the regulations cannot then be placed on the market. This means that cameras that do not comply with the USB-C charging rules may still be sold after the transition period, but new non-compliant stock may not be introduced to the market.

Amateur photographer explains that a spokesperson for the European Commission made a similar claim, stating that the upcoming EU regulation “will not prevent existing equipment stocks that were placed on the market before the entry into force of the new rules from being sold legally after the entry into force of the new rules.”

At this point, it’s obvious that companies like Canon and Nikon, while they may still sell some DSLR camera models, aren’t devoting many – if any – resources to developing new DSLR cameras and lenses. Does this also mean that companies will not be willing to invest resources in bringing their existing products into line with upcoming EU regulations?

Probably the most elegant and affordable, though not cheap, solution to the problem would be for camera companies to release new versions of existing removable rechargeable batteries that include a USB-C charging port directly on the battery. This type of product already exists. For example, SmallRig makes a USB-C rechargeable battery for select Nikon cameras.

EU and USB-C for DSLR cameras
The SmallRig EN-EL15c battery has a built-in USB-C port. Could something like this help manufacturers to continue selling DSLR cameras in the EU?

Hogan instead wonders whether camera manufacturers could ultimately use the EU’s charger directive as a reason to finally ditch DSLR camera technology altogether, except for Pentax, of course, which not only has cameras that can be charged via USB-C, but still firmly supports DSLR camera technology.

Another alternative outcome is for companies to drop all but the compatible camera models in the European Union and continue business as usual elsewhere. Hogan notes that the Nikon D780, for example, can be charged internally via USB-C, so DSLRs could survive in the European Union in a limited way.

“With Europe accounting for 20-25% of shipments lately, the EU requirements could be enough to encourage camera companies to retire mirrorless cameras, as DSLR shipments are now around one-tenth of those without mirrors,” Hogan writes.

Some older mirrorless cameras face the same problem, including a number of Canon EOS M series cameras, which have just been discontinued in some markets, including the United States, and even the Nikon Z50. Even the OM System OM-5 camera, announced a little over a year ago, doesn’t have the ability to charge via USB-C – for whatever reason.

“Now I think in about a year we will have mass retirements. The question is whether any of the DSLRs will continue beyond that,” concludes Hogan.

Image authors: Nikon, Canon and SmallRig

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