Poll: Did Nintendo Triumph With The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild at E3?

Well, there it is – Nintendo showed us a lots of hours of footage from the newly appointed The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild after a short opening salvo Pokémon Sun and Moon. The Treehouse team, with special guests including Shigeru Miyamoto and Eiji Aonuma, showed off a lot of the core mechanics and gameplay of the 2017 Wii U / NX release. The area on display was also impressive in scale, which is amazingly just a fraction of the game’s world (according to Eiji Aonuma ).

From the initial reveal trailer to an extensive presentation from the Treehouse team, we’ve seen a lot of what the title will have to offer. Aside from the game reveal, there were few ‘got you’ reveals in the livestream aside from the new amiibo, though Nintendo’s press release and website revealed some release dates and even Mario Party Star Rush for 3DS, which will be shown on another day (Paper Mario: Color Splash will also be displayed).

We’ll have plenty of features, editorials, and — yes — first impressions in the coming hours and days, but first we want to know what you think. Did Nintendo triumph with The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild game day? Let us know in the polls and comments below.

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