Poll: Where Do You Stand on Miiverse and Its Planned Changes?

Miiverse, Nintendo’s customized social networking service, will be getting a major redesign on July 29th. It’s easy to forget that the service is just over two and a half years old, having arrived with Nintendo Network ID following the launch of the Wii U. NNIDs and Miiverse are familiar now, but in November 2012 they both represented a step forward for Nintendo’s online integration and services.

Miiverse itself has already changed a lot, arriving on the 3DS in late 2013 along with portable NNIDs, while we saw the browser version as a third option. So far, there have been changes in appearance and features, and for many gamers it is an important part of the Nintendo gaming experience.

So what about the redesign? Below you can see key images showing what it will look like – there will be a Screenshot Album and Play Journal area, while game communities will be split into Play Journal, Drawings and Discussion segments.

Miiverse1.jpg redesign
Miiverse redesign2.jpg

The redesign itself has been divisive, but the platform’s most vocal opponents seem to be primarily opposed to the change in focus it will bring. The changed look and the limit of 30 non-game posts and comments per day per user upset those who like to chat heavily on the platform, and not everyone appreciated Nintendo’s explanation that the changes were aimed at bringing Miiverse closer to its original goal – for users to share information about games .

It’s easy to argue that Nintendo’s goal with the redesign matches the Miiverse concept shown just before E3 2012; that Direct presentation showed how users help each other with tips ZombiUfor example, but there is a counterargument that fighting community-accepted interpretations and usages is counterproductive.

With the redesign just a few days away, we want to gauge your thoughts, not only on the changes but on the Miiverse itself. There was a lot of hype when it launched, and in the months that followed with updates, but is it still a service you enjoy?

As always, click those poll buttons below and sound off in the comments.

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