What’s The Sexiest Nintendo Console Ever? – Feature

During its long run as a video game manufacturer and platform holder, Nintendo has created some of the most coveted objects in video game history. The company is known for creating digital novelties that delight gamers of all ages, but it’s also capable of building incredibly beautiful hardware when its talented engineering and design teams get involved.

Not every single one is an evergreen beauty, of course – it might take a new iteration of the original design or a particularly eye-catching colorway to really get pulses racing – but Team Nintendo Life has cast a wistful eye on our shared console pool (and spying a few other people’s collections across the interwebs ) and has created the following shortlist of the most beautiful Nintendo hardware for your consideration.

We’re not taking into account the software libraries of the system in question here, although they alone are enough to make any self-respecting gamer’s knees buckle. No, we’re focused on the pure animal magnetism of the hardware itself: the console and controller. Forget personality — today we’re just going for irresistible looks.

At the end, the poll is for you to cast your vote for the sexiest Nintendo console from the shortlist we’ve put together, and feel free to let us know in the comments what other consoles (Nintendo or some others) inspire lustful thoughts and painful hours of scrolling through auction sites.

But before that, grab a fan and get ready to sweat as we present, in no particular order, the eight sexiest Nintendo systems ever. They are all really really really funny convenient…

Game Boy Micro (any)

Image: Nintendo Life

We called this little beauty ‘the sexiest and most impractical Game Boy ever’ and we stand by it. Don’t get us wrong — when it comes down to it playing games, today we aspire to the comfort of larger handhelds (the chunkiness of the original DMG-001 still feels fantastic in the hands).

No, in terms of actually using the thing, this latest iteration of the Game Boy Advance line isn’t much better for playing text-heavy titles than Sega’s recent keychain, the Game Gear Micro.

Practicality be damned! The Game Boy Micro — in any form, not just the anniversary edition pictured above — is a stunning (and incredibly expensive) piece of equipment. It exists only to reap your love and respect; to be rocked, caressed and adored.

Not played. Are you angry?! For the love of Zeus, never game thing.

Sexiest feature? Where to start? Cool little faceplates? Those little ‘b’ and ‘a’ buttons that feel so good? Let’s start with a tiny screen that looks great thanks to the increased pixel density.

Wonderful until you want to read anything, of course.

Game Boy Advance SP (any)

GBA SP & Zelda Minish Cap
Image: Nintendo Life

The first version of the Game Boy Advance wasn’t bad. The horizontal layout was more comfortable than the vertical layout Nintendo used for the original Game Boy, but you needed the light of a thousand suns (okay, a little exaggeration — only one sun) to see the screen. The Game Boy Advance SP solved that problem by adding a backlight (technically a front light, unless we’re talking about the updated version of the AGS-101 with an improved backlit display), and its clamshell design made it smaller, with the added benefit of protecting the screen when in your pocket.

We could have chosen the NES edition, or Pikachu Yellow, or any number of special editions, but personal preferences aside, every GBA SP is a beauty.

Sexiest feature? Flip Design — There’s something about a gadget that folds.

New Nintendo 3DS XL (SNES Edition)

Image: Nintendo

When it comes to the 3DS family of systems, there’s no shortage of variants to choose from. Throw in various 2DS versions and tons of special editions and you’re spoiled for choice when it comes to fantastic looking handhelds.

Image: Nintendo Life

But if we had to pick one, it would probably be the Super Nintendo Entertainment System Edition of the New 3DS XL. It’s not only colored face buttons; the standard New 3DS with faceplates also had them. Care and attention has gone into other aspects of this handheld device. Things like the subtle gray touches to the frame, stylus and peripheral buttons, and the thoughtful recreation of the SNES look on the lid and bottom. In fact, the only thing that could make it better is if the printed red power ‘LED’ on the top was actually an LED.

When it comes to NA vs. EU/JP, we Europeans are a bit biased (more on that later). But regardless of your preferences, but both are very, very convenient systems.

One is just more handsome.

Sexiest feature? Buttons, probably.

GameCube (Spicy Orange)

GameCube Spiced Orange
Image: Nintendo Life

Two decades ago when the average teenage gamer had to choose between the PlayStation 2 and the colorful GameCube, Sony’s ultra-sleek style stole the hearts and minds of millions of self-conscious teenagers who were formerly Nintendo kids. Still, looking at these two consoles today, we’d say it’s Nintendo’s box of tricks that has stood the test of time from an aesthetic point of view.

This little console has such personality and power — a real design feat for what is essentially a box with a handle attached. Clean, well-groomed – for example, any color variant is a thing of beauty.

Perhaps the fact that we never got the Orange Spice version in the West gives that particular version a special appeal. No less than five the members of Team NL were forced to find this lovely creature on their own. Insert a copy F-Zero GX and WaveBird and you got Saturday night.

Sexiest feature? How much more orange can this get? No. No more oranges. Oh, and the handle is great – always has been. Gives you something to hold on to, doesn’t it? [Steady! – Ed]

Panasonic Q

Panasonic Q
Image: Evan Amos

As if the Japan-only Spice Orange GameCube wasn’t enough, the Panasonic Q had us looking at imports back in 2001/2002. This particular Panasonic version of the GameCube had the ability to play DVDs via its full-size, front-loading tray. That may sound like nothing these days, but it’s hard to overstate how popular DVDs were at the turn of the millennium; The PS2’s dual function as a DVD player was a major factor that helped push Sony’s console ahead of the competition. The Panasonic Q also features a stainless steel body, a polished mirror faceplate, and classy LCD screen with blue backlight, the most sensual backlight color.

Unfortunately, it sold poorly and these days a clean copy will set you back silly money at the auction site of your choice, although there are always bargains to be had if you’re patient. That would probably be a disappointment in the flesh anyway, but idea of Q still gets us going decades later (which means it makes us search eBay once every two weeks to double-check that the prices more astronomical).

Sexiest feature? It’s hard to pinpoint just one thing. Let’s start with the incredibly un-Nintendo mirror facade.

Nintendo DS Lite (any)

Tetris DS.JPG
Image: Nintendo Life

The Nintendo DS Lite is arguably Nintendo’s most dramatic leap forward in a single hardware revision. The initial DS was a chunky monkey, more of a proof-of-concept showcase than a final piece of retail hardware. The arrival of the DS Lite in 2006 was the catalyst that turned the system into the demographic giant it has become.

There really isn’t a ‘bad’ color in the series. We’ve always been pretty partial to Lime Kiwi Green ourselves.

Honestly, the Lite didn’t have to do much to make it smaller, sleeker and infinitely sexier than the original, and we say that as people with fond memories of the DS ‘Phat’, as it’s colloquially called. Perhaps the Lite’s perfection was only possible thanks to its clunky predecessor. The DS Lite was a transition to the original Wii U… maybe.

Sexiest feature? The contrast between the gloss finish on the outside and the matte finish on the inside was, as we say in the business, ‘a bit okay’.

Super Nintendo

Super Famicom vs. SNES
Image: Nintendo Life

The opinion of the Nintendo Life staff is divided along territorial lines when it comes to which version of the Super Nintendo is the best looking.

While we acknowledge the sultry sophistication of the Super Famicom and its near-identical European cousin, our minority American contingent had an understandable soft spot for the redesigned North American version, with its purple detailing and concave lilac ‘X’ and ‘Y’ buttons. Conversely, not a single European on the team would fight for a boxed NA version, especially not against the curves and elegance of an EU console.

The European majority can completely appreciate the nostalgic attachment to the console from your youth — and those concave buttons are pretty awesome, we’ll give you that — but when it comes to choosing between the two, we’ll have to agree to disagree and hope it never comes to a vote.

Speaking of NL ‘many’ vs ‘few’, the Super Famicom is just as reliably solid as the North American version, but also flirtatious with its dashes of color and gentle curves. It’s a job and pleasure in one subtle, almost perfect package.

Sexiest feature? Oh, let’s be diplomatic and use colored or concave buttons, depending on your region.

Wii (any, except ‘Mini’)

Nintendo Wii console
Image: Evan Amos

And finally, we come to the brave Wii. Famously the size of just three stacked DVD cases, this shiny little wonder was a breath of fresh air in a staid gaming landscape filled with giant shiny boxes. The gray and silver stand raised the original at a bright angle in ‘vertical mode’ and it sat there inconspicuously next to your TV, just looking to entertain itself.

The awkward wire that runs from the sensor strip to the console is the most unsightly thing about the cute console, and we have fond memories of coming down the stairs in the morning and being greeted by its little blue pulsating light.

Wii is a full console in all colors and knows how to have fun. There’s a lot to be said for the new system, which looks great sitting next to the TV; which you don’t have to place in a brand new entertainment center.

Sexiest feature? Blue light coming out of drive without tray when vacuuming disc. If only those discs had the curved edges of its successor games… *bites lip*

Can an inanimate object be ‘sexy’? Yes, of course he can. Funny question!

Tell us below which of these fine specimens made you take a cold shower. And, of course, feel free to share your personal preferences when it comes to fine-looking hardware, including your personal favorite special edition variants — there’s sure to be plenty! Off to eBay to hunt down one of those red anniversary Wiis…

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